Family law

The defence of the client's interests and interests of thier children is essentially related to:


protective measures of the marital union

(separation and suspention of the marital union, attribution of the matrimonial residence, custodial rights, child visitation and parenting time, child alimony and spousal support)


divorce procedure

(attribution of  a parental authority,  custody rights, child visitation and parenting time, child alimony and spousal support, dissolution of marital union, distribution of property and pension funds accumulted during the marriage)



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    Law Firm LITIS

    Marc Cheseaux, barrister

    PO Box 1119

    Chemin de l'Argillière 2A

    CH-1260 Nyon 1

    +41 22 994 28 28 (T)

    +41 22 994 28 29 (F)